Sunday, September 30

Last day...

I think i've had 2-3 days off because of my ankle this month, so no 100% run a day :-(

Managed a longer 10 miles today :-)

I'm going to try and post more next month (sorry for the short updates - seems to be busy busy busy)

See ya in October - and btw, it's only 16 days tomorrow till we fly to Florida :-D YA!

September Mileage Total = 131


Saturday, September 29

quick one

:-) quick run this morning.

5 miles - one more day of Sept to go.

September Mileage Total = 121


Friday, September 28

He loves the warm spots

DSCF1315, originally uploaded by jogger164.

The little man loves sitting on the radiator :-) apart from this morning when he ditched me at 5.00am to jump on it - as he settled down he noticed it was switched off. HAHA! jumped back on my chest quick sharp. Did I mention he rocks ;-)

One of the little dudes eyes seems a bit sore - we will have to try and get that sorted asap for him.

Today was more work - with a light sprinkling of more work and a cheeky run :-)

Hope it all goes well for WW this Sunday at the Great North - have a fun time and look forward to reading the race report.

September Mileage Total = 116


Thursday, September 27

jinx loveeeeeeeeeees my laptop

Hello Maul, originally uploaded by jogger164.

-=-=---=he keeepsssss sitttttttttttinf vt6b uuib on the keys.


I ran six miles today :-)

September Mileage Total = 111


Wednesday, September 26

Lots more work

Transformer, originally uploaded by jogger164.

And a bit more running :-)

September Mileage Total = 105


Tuesday, September 25


IMG_0773, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Another day at the pit and a cheeky little lunchtime jaunt :-)

The Jinx has settled in at home and seems to have trained us all well to come at his call. Today was the first time he has been left alone for periods of time - and he has been a good 'un no carnage yet.

September Mileage Total = 100


Monday, September 24

Another Jinx video

Sorry for all the cat based blogging (well not really) here's quick video of the jinxters new toy.



Japan Epcot horse rider, originally uploaded by jogger164.

:-D don't tell Mrs JB I sneaked my running kit to work and went out for a cheeky 4 miles (still down on the mileage, got to get more in before the end of the month). My foot seems to have enjoyed the rest, and fingers crossed all seems good in the left foot department.

The above photo is from my favourite part of the Epcot world showcase - Japan. It's such a great part of the park, and really make you want to visit Japan for real (one day). I wished that I was visiting Epcot on October 1 to meet up with all the Disney fans going over for its anniversary, sounds like it’s going to be fun.

September Mileage Total = 95.7


Sunday, September 23

Sunday round up

IMG_0753, originally uploaded by jogger164.

The Jinx is settling in well. He his very vocal and demands attention all the time. If he isn’t sat on your shoulder or lap or curled up asleep under the covers he lets you know - loudly! The small person is loving it. Jinx even took a trip to the stables this morning whilst the fun sized one had her lesson. At the moment he is in his igloo thing with a blanket over himself snoring.

The foot is about 90% better. I really, really want to go for a run now but Mrs JB has banned me L But I’m hoping that it will be 100% better tomorrow and I’ll be back out adding some more miles like you guys.

Saturday, September 22

Cat Cam :-)

He's home :-)

DSCF1273, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Picked up this little nutter last night. He has been running around like a crazy thing.

The foot is a little better today, I hope that another day of rest will help.

Hope everyone has a great weekend - expect to see more Jinx based photography ;-)

Friday, September 21

I blame Kate...

DSCF0915, originally uploaded by jogger164.

...I got awoken in the middle of the night with a jolt. My foot is killing me :-/ right across the top of it (I can't bend my toes). The only reason I can think of is Kate. She must have known my foot would come out in sympathy pains.

So it's out with the trusty drugs and no running for me for a few days - hopefully it will go away as quickly as it came.

PS - It's JINX DAY (I know because our daughter came in the room and reminded us at 5.30am).

Thursday, September 20

Tired out

DSCF0885, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Run, drive, train, tube, work, cab, change, cab, awards, cab, sleep, run, change, work, tube, train, drive - home.

1 Sleep to go :-D

Tired out, and my left foot hurts still ;-/

September Mileage Total = 91.7

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Tuesday, September 18


birdhead, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Has someone decided to switch the outdoor heaters off without asking my opinion? It was freezing this morning!

But the sun eventually popped out to make it my kind of day, crisp and fresh – ideal for running, bike riding or surfing. But seeing as I was at work the last two options were out of bounds. So when lunchtime dragged around I happily slapped on my trainers and headed out for a midday jog. Six miles later and that was that.

The house stinks of paint at the moment. Spurred on by the imminent arrival of the hairless one this Friday house makeover part two is in full swing. Lots of snagging jobs like glossing the new doors, changing the alarm sensors to pet safe ones and making window screens… busy, busy.

Swim training after work for the fun sized person. She moaned about it last week. I’m not surprised. There was no gentle easing back in to it after the 4-week break – straight in for an hour’s non-stop hardcore swimming action. So fingers crossed it’s not as much of a shock to her system tonight.

Countdown = 3 sleeps for Jinx and 29 days for Florida.

September Mileage Total = 86.7


Monday, September 17

Aint no stopping us now...

DSC02596, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Well there was some 'stopping us' but after some gentle persuasion I managed to convince my legs that it was a good idea to head out for 4 miles. I've got to keep the running up, as I'm in London again for 2 days this week :-/ On Wednesday evening I'm off to an awards bash for a campaign that I have been involved with :-) should be cool, and even better it's not a black tie affair.

Countdown is = 4 sleeps for Jinx and 30 days for Florida.

September Mileage Total = 80.7


Sunday, September 16

Running Bling

Running Bling, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Race Report
First up - sorry to JogBlog that you didn't make it up north for this years Robinhood :-( and hope that you leg is getting better.

The race was fun, real fun :-D We got in to Nottingham early and walked the 2 miles from the car park - Preston seemed amazed at the amount of times I need to visit the portaloos (advice don't drink 2 pints of water before a race). But we soon found ourselves on the starting line with the other sub 1.30 runners - much to there delight when the racing gun went bang.

Then it was off at 10.05am, the weather was just right and they had re-routed the course from last year to take most of the hills in the first 5 miles - bonus!

We ran at Prestons pace, so that we could get the boy wonder around without stopping. And we did. The run must be my fav to date, everyone had lined the streets to shout us on and the weather had even arranged to blow the wind in the right direction up each hill.

The only downside to the race was when we thought it would be funny to jump on all the half drunken lucozade pouches to see who could get each other wettest (like 10 year olds I know) but I got shouted out for soaking a fellow runner (sorry) hehe!

We picked up some speed on the last 3 miles as people stopped to walk and managed to finish in 2.20 - a fantastic result for Preston given the furthest he has ever run was last weeks 6 miler.

We picked up the medal and goodies and head back for the 2 mile trek to the car.

All in all a great run :-)

September Mileage Total = 76.7

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Count Down...

Automatic Outlaw, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Well it's time to join Robin Hood and his 15000 outlaws. Got to get jogging and do one ;-)

See you later (hopefully)

Saturday, September 15

Sky (Day129)

Sky (Day129), originally uploaded by jogger164.

Early morning mile. Man it's tough not doing more - but it's best to keep the legs as fresh as possible for tomorrow.

The sky looked lovely this morning :-D

September Mileage Total = 59


Friday, September 14

Chiper Friday

Chip, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Just a busy day at work and a cheeky 1 miler - not going to do much more running tomorrow as I want to keep my legs nice and fresh for Sunday.

Hope that everyone has a great weekend :-D

September Mileage Total = 58


Thursday, September 13

A few miles more

A.L.F, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Hi again.

Today was another busy one - a few more miles and a lot more work :-/

The count down for holiday in my head is helping to keep me sane. I can't wait - really!

This weekend I've got to make a some window screens to try and help keep the little Jinx in (he comes to stay a week tomorrow). Then it's off to the robinhood on Sunday, Preston is looking forward to his first run hopefully we will be able to get round in about 2 - 2.30 hours.

I have managed to run everyday so far this month.

September Mileage Total = 57


Wednesday running

Skell2, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Work work and a run :-)

(sorry the blogging is taking a back seat at the moment, stupid busy)

September Mileage Total = 54


Tuesday, September 11

Back blogging...

DSCF0881, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Hi all, what a week :-/

Managed to total my car on the way to work Friday – not the greatest start to the day but at least everyone was ok. I have been busy sorting all the cr*p that goes along with that.

My ankle was still hurting loads Friday so I took it easy over the weekend (still put some miles in).

I will play catchup on everyones blogs when I get home tonight (going to be another late one) – hope everyone is keeping well and still out running for the September push.

Running =
Friday 1mile, Saturday 2 miles, Sunday 2 miles, Monday 3 miles and Tuesday 6 miles.

PS - Jinx comes home to live next week.

September Mileage Total = 49

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Thursday, September 6

More running...

DSCF0914, originally uploaded by jogger164.

And a pain in my foot :-/ hopefully it will go away, but it was enough to make the run a 3 miler.

How's everyone else getting on with the running everyday in September?

Not much else to report apart from the weather has been lush!

September Mileage Total = 35


Wednesday, September 5

Back Up North

Day 128, originally uploaded by jogger164.
Well London was fun, sweaty packed tube trains (but at least the 2 lines I needed were working).

I managed to get back up north safe and sound and even fit in some extra hours of work :-/

I haven't had time to blog about the weekend. I saw the funniest thing I have ever seen on 2 wheels. This youth was heading towards us as we were driving to Melton looking really odd on his scooter. When I say odd, he was hunched over the handler bars trying to hold on to some kind of huge bag. But this wasn't the strangeness that I'm talking about. He was wearing - wait for it.... ice skates. Why would anyone wear ice skates whilst riding a motor bike?

Back to the running - I managed to get another run in today (I'm feeling a lot better) 6 miles, so far so good I have managed a 100% September running record so far.

September Mileage Total = 32


Tuesday, September 4


Trust me to be working in London the week the tube strikes are on DOOH!

Goodnews about the earache - it's gone :-D just feel like pants still :-(

Managed to put some miles in on the hotel treadmill and then around the docklands this morning.

September Mileage Total = 26

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Sunday, September 2


JInx, originally uploaded by jogger164.

London jogger asked - "does jinx have whiskas?"

Well he does kind of, little stubby ones. But I believe these won't last when he is an adult.

DSCF1137, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Got up this morning and my whole body hates me - the crowning glory of the pain is earache :-/

But not wanting that Kate to beat me with the September push I went out for a miserable 4 miles.

Hoping to see Jinx later today :-D

September Mileage Total = 12


Saturday, September 1


Day 127, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Doors done, trips to D.I.Y shop done, visit to the tip done. The trip to the tip didn't go well. They wouldn't take the wood because they said they weren't allowed to? so we have had to add to global warming and have a bonfire in the back garden :-D cool by me.

In like Flinn...

DSCF1044, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Well it's the first day of September and it seems like there is a push for mileage on this month... Erock and Kate started the ball rolling and I'm keen to try and run everyday this month (Juneathon kicked my butt into gear when we did it)

So with that in mind I went for an early 8 miles around the village.

Today is going to be another day of chores. I have been in the garage for 2 hours re-stacking wood for our log burner, and dismantling the huge bodged together box that they were housed in. It was not the job for anyone who doesn't like spiders (there was millions of them... and some were massive). Now all I have to do is go to the tip then fit some more doors and the rest of the day is mine ;-)

Hope everyone in the USA enjoys their extended weekend :-D

September Mileage Total = 8
