Tuesday, September 18


birdhead, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Has someone decided to switch the outdoor heaters off without asking my opinion? It was freezing this morning!

But the sun eventually popped out to make it my kind of day, crisp and fresh – ideal for running, bike riding or surfing. But seeing as I was at work the last two options were out of bounds. So when lunchtime dragged around I happily slapped on my trainers and headed out for a midday jog. Six miles later and that was that.

The house stinks of paint at the moment. Spurred on by the imminent arrival of the hairless one this Friday house makeover part two is in full swing. Lots of snagging jobs like glossing the new doors, changing the alarm sensors to pet safe ones and making window screens… busy, busy.

Swim training after work for the fun sized person. She moaned about it last week. I’m not surprised. There was no gentle easing back in to it after the 4-week break – straight in for an hour’s non-stop hardcore swimming action. So fingers crossed it’s not as much of a shock to her system tonight.

Countdown = 3 sleeps for Jinx and 29 days for Florida.

September Mileage Total = 86.7



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, we're having trouble getting on a schedule now with school and homework and still fitting in karate lessons.

I had no idea there would be so much homework for first grade. I can't remember having any at that age.

But it's nice to take the time to sit down with Aidan and do some reading, writing and math.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Rae! said...

Wait till 7 th grade!!!!! Oh my home work it's more like work to me.Great on the run and I wish it would get cool here. Humid and hot no relief from the sun.

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As our superhero, BirdMoose, awoke the next day, he had a very bad feeling he'd forgotten something.

9:14 PM  
Blogger [rich] said...

His side kick - fishcake

10:29 PM  

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