A bit on the side...

Originally uploaded by jogger164.
Shhh! Don’t tell anyone but I've cheated... I dusted of my bike (well more like jet blasted the caked on crud off it) and went for a ride this morning. I'd forgotten how much I like bike riding ( you can free wheel :-P ). I am thinking of going out 3 times a week as well as the running just to stretch out some under used muscles.
Got back home and put my trainers on and went for a jog. I had a great run; It's nice to start getting back into my stride and not coughing all the way round. Keeping an eye on my ankle still though, always putting the ice pack on it when I'm finished seems to be keeping it under control.
Detox day: 6
Kilometres ran today: 8K
Kilometres ran this week so far: 26K
I saw a nice shocking pink bike in a shop near Oxford Street last night but it didn't have any pedals. Huh? I can't ride a bike anyway, well, not in the road. I have no road sense. I'd get squished.
6 days detox. I'm impressed! Hope you last the weekend :-)
Just spent the afternoon/evening drinking lime and sodas. Good call!! :-P
Lime and soda's nice, isn't it? I spent the evening drinking wine and soda :-)
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