Tuesday, January 8

I wished I was this strong.

Captain Cave Man, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Sticking to the weight watchers is leaving me feeling low on the energy front, I think that I will have to look at what I need to power up on (more carbs an hour before the run I think).

Work was work :-/

Looking up on the tattoo front - I'll keep you posted.

Running was a hard 5 miles. It was windy, in places it felt like you weren't even moving... come on the summer! Miss them cheeky warm late evening runs in the red setting sun.

Today's miles = 5 / Jan miles = 31
Today's Sit Ups = 31 / Jan Sit Ups = 196
Today's Sit Ups = 31 / Jan Push Ups = 196



Blogger Jeff W said...

Oh how I miss warm weather. Great job sticking it out though.

Is someone yelling
Captain Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave Maaaan!!

4:20 PM  
Blogger Rae! said...

I think you are.I would not have braved the cold like you do. :)
I am putting on the Team Voice shirt. :)

7:19 PM  
Blogger Rae! said...

I mean I am putting you on the Team Voice shirt. JB :)

7:20 PM  
Blogger [rich] said...

Thanks :-)

Looking forward to buying a Team Voice shirt for our next visit - cheers Rae!

8:12 PM  
Blogger Highway Kind said...

January and February are really difficult, grey, cold, windy - all the things that make it hard to get outside. So good for you for keeping going.

8:25 PM  
Blogger jogblog said...

You need fuel to run, get eating! (Not chips though)

8:30 PM  

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