Saturday, December 29

Squeeze me I'm done

Lemon Pip, originally uploaded by jogger164.

Well I managed to get around to painting the old Lemon Pip, branch and base today - pretty happy how it turned out :-) All I need to do now is put a tear drop on the leaf and job's a good 'un. There's a few more pictures of the little guy over here.

On the running front I got my butt out for a lung buster of an 8 miler (the wind was blowing big time) that leaves me with a cheeky 10 miles tomorrow morning then I can relax for New Years :-) The only thing is I think I'm going to try and maintain the 140-160 miles a month all of next year. I blame Preston and Juneathon, It made me go out everyday - now I NEED to... mumble, mumble.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

December miles = 150 miles (YAH!)



Blogger londonjogger said...

you are very talented jb. nice work

7:00 PM  

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