Juneathon™ Day 26

Things have been wet wet wet up north this last 2 days. But that didn't stop the God of Juneathon and I taking a lunchtime jog.
All started well (I remembered to super strap up my arm), but once we headed down near the river things started to go a bit pete tong.
A woman heading our way on a push bike announcing that it was slightly damp down the path. Not put off we waded through about 2 foot of water from the burst river and carried on running for another mile or so. Getting to the railway bridge we were met with chest high water - Preston wanted to carry on, but I pointed out my arm might not allow me to monkey swing my way under, so we turned around and finished our cheeky 4 miles.
I hope everyone is ok and dry out there - if not hope it sorts out asap for you guys.
I'm going to try and get up and slap a 10 miler in the face of juneathon in the morning before work.
Juneathon™ Mileage Total = 122
Labels: 4 miles, Juneathon™
Wow so all the really bad stuff is North of you??What kind of breakfast tea are you looking for??It's hard to find good tea when there is a limited amount of Whole foods stores around.Let me know I I will try to find some.
It's been dry over night :-)
Yeah we noticed no tea last year - I muist be getting old, we will bring some over this year :-) Thanks for thr offer.
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