Monday, September 4

That makes 2

Day 3 of the running plan swung into action when I got home from work and it seemed to be winner again. It really is a good plan for entry level, and my daughter is loving it (we have to keep stopping her running too fast and long). I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all pans out :-D I wished that I had been encouraged to run when I was younger.

After I dropped the girls off, I headed back out for a 3K blast.

Cancer update

Chemo day today :-( Well Dad didn't start chemo today but he had a group meeting all morning then 1 to 1s in the afternoon, then had his line put in. Having a line put in didn't sound to bad, but when he got to the hospital and found out what it entailed...EKK! They have to X-ray you, and then push a tube in your arm, which passes all the way up inside your arm and down next to your heart... This is so the drugs get pumped all the way round your body properly.

Next Monday or Tuesday he has to start his chemo and has to stay in overnight, then back in every week. We have to really keep an eye on him as there is so many things that can add up to making him ill - Time to have fingers crossed again.


Blogger jogblog said...

Fingers crossed, sorry you all have to go through this cancer sh*t :-(

11:44 PM  

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