A blog of 4 parts.

Having a great weekend so far :-) Hope everyone else is as well. Here’s my little list of things to blog about.
1 - My ankle is getting better :-D YAH! Can't wait until it's 100% (which I'm saying is Monday) and hitting the streets again (which one would you like me to hit - Mike Skinner or Leo "The Lion").
2 - Had an amazing bike ride today. We went out as a family to the national water sports centre and did a 7 mile ride :-) Which I'm well amazed at, as our daughter couldn't ride her bike a month ago. Bike riding is fun (but don't tell any runners that I said that).
3 - My book "RunFast" came today. Cool. :-P Amazon are quick, I’m going to have a read after I’ve blogged this so I have a new plan in mind for Monday... gotta get quicker.
4 - Physical Education Teachers! why are some of them complete and utter tw*ts! My daughter came home from school yesterday after doing P.E and said that the teacher told them if they walked any of the laps of the field that they would have to do extra ones as punishment. Bearing in mind that her class is made up of 6 and 7 year olds…WELL DONE! Turn the subject that you're trying to teach, in to the punishment! It's no surprise that so many kids hate running! I hope she went home and gave her self a pat on the back for helping encourage her class to do the best that they could.
Well that’s my 4 things. Over and out :-D
I didn't even know there were two members of the Streets 'til I saw Love Island :-)
Your book came fast! Hope mine comes quickly too.
Fingers crossed for Monday's ankle recovery :-)
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