Anyone fancy a cool down...

Where did the rain go?
Originally uploaded by jogger164.
It seemed a grim morning at the time, but with the recent heatwave imagine if you could have an hour running in this :-D bliss!
It seemed a grim morning at the time, but with the recent heatwave imagine if you could have an hour running in this :-D bliss!
I haven't minded running in the heat, I haven't been any hotter than when I run in the winter but maybe I should wait for the real blazing sun and then say "ha, it's nothing" perhaps? :-)
:-) it's everyone else at work I feel sorry for as I have to get my kit bag before I have a shower... I think they are not to keen on eau de jogger :-P
Blame the eau de jogger on your sidekick Preston ;-)
You should leave your kitbag by the printer, then only the girls and Whaley would notice. ;-)
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