Pinch Punch...

First day of the month. No running for me today - Having a non run day before I start Lardathon tomorrow (I know it should start today, but sorry it's a Sunday).
Went up in the loft space this morning because the small person has been nagging to look at some of my old toys. Boy I didn't remember having so much junk! And the worrying part of it is that we only opened 3 bags... eek. To view some of the treasures we uncovered head on over here When my wrist is better (allowing me to actually crawl into the loft I'll snap some more retro toy fun for you all.
I'd just like to say thanks to everyone for joining in Juneathon - It really helped keep me motivated and made me run so much more than I would normally :-D I'm glad everyone else enjoyed it. Roll on (or should it be roll off) Lardathon.
Oi! What's it being Sunday got to do with anything? :-)
I agree with Jogblog, that's outrageous ;-)
:-P Monday is day I'm going to start...
Jogblog says to tell you that you've failed already!
We will see who's the size zero at the end of the month ;-)
Hello. Just got back today and caught up on your blogs. Very sorry about your left hand. Hope you're much better very soon. :)
Loved all the other Hello Kitty Star Wars stuff.
Not sure what a Lardathon is but I think I got started two weeks ago. I need a serious break from all the excess and to get back into my routine. I think I'll try to add a 6 mile day each week for July. If the heat doesn't kill me first.
Hi Kate glad your back and I just did 2.00 run/walk.Love the pictures!!!Glad your feeling better.
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