
When is not a good time to drive through the local ford? after it has been snowing heavy then raining solid for a day and a night :-) How funny is this picture - the driver actually drove his car into it! DOH!
Rewind - we got up and went for a walk around a local park and abbey, the small person zoomed around like a maniac as we made our way down to the ford to watch the cars splashing through... then we came across the car in the photo :-)
Running wise I did 6 miles :-)
Your little one is clearly getting too fit and is going to run you raggard. I suggest you ban her from the treadmill or at least restrict it to 4mph.
Did anyone rescue the driver?
that is pretty funny...i bet the driver was pissed. Hope he is ok though...
It was way funny - he had to get out of the car and wade up the river :-D
Haha - you did 6 miles more than the car did by the look of it!
Aarrgghh, he must have been freezing!
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