Running Machine

As promised here's a photo of the latest member of the family :-) The funsized person loves it and had been on 3 time already today (I wonder how long it will last) and done 2 miles :-)
I did a 4 miler on it - it's very nice, going to build up slowly on it though as it feels different than running outside and I'm not risking doing my ankle in again.
The weather is lovely - well crisp and sunny, going to do my Sunday run outside, I'll take my camera as well.
On the camera front, I'm going to have to upgrade to a FLICKR pro account, I've just found out that you can only use 200 pic's on the free account.
Ooh, that's nice, doesn't look too big either, maybe I could buy one and put it in my spare room. And if it is too big I could just buy a bigger house :-)
It is crisp and sunny here but no run for me today :-(
i'm jealous of the nice weather you are having! It's still raining off and on and freezing down here.
Love the treadmill, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun running in your underwear! LOL
JB - how comes no running?
The weather is ace :-) We had rain and wind for weeks. Hope it cheers up for you.
The treadmill is looking to be a winner - but I still love running out doors.
JB - how comes no running?
The weather is ace :-) We had rain and wind for weeks. Hope it cheers up for you.
The treadmill is looking to be a winner - but I still love running out doors.
I slept in too late and still hadn't recovered from Thursdays alcohol and pizza sesh (not to mention the kilo of chocolate brownie I have eaten since then too). I find overindulging and running doesn't really mix :-)
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