Saturday, November 3

Where to start...

DSCF2220, originally uploaded by jogger164.

First of all the holiday was soooooooo much fun, I’d say it’s one of the best trips we have ever made as a family.

It was great to get home to the Jinxter (the small person hasn’t put him down for about 24 hours now) he needed his ears cleaning (the only thing that you have to do extra for a sphinx cat) and a nail trim and next on the list is a cheeky bath but we haven’t told him about that yet.

I will do a break down of parks, rides, shows etc another day but will concentrate on the running for this post.

When we landed I was still struggling with a minging cold, and also body clock troubles so took a few days off running. The first run was about 4.00am in the morning (tick tock) and must admit that it was a real eye opener. The humidity was just wrong even at that time in the morning. I took the old Garmin and worked out a 4 mile route which I could run each day. I choose to run without the old iPod as it was pitch black for the most part and also along some marsh lake sides and I didn’t fancy being alligator breakfast (believe me them buggers are everywhere in Florida). Once I got used to the heat and sweat the running was fun, but I had to really watch the water consumption and stay hydrated as one day I made myself really ill.

The Tower of Terror 13k came around too fast, and I ran it with Raes son (he was a great running partner). Disney really needed a kick in the ass for the communication side of this race. First of all they changed the packet pick-up to a completely new venue, and only communicated this via email (good job Rae was there to tell me) you think they would have had this all over there hotels and the MGM park.

I had arranged to meet Rae in the MGM park (where the race was to take place) outside of the TOT ride at 8.00pm. So spent the day there with the family, I got changed and they went to Magic Kingdom for the rest of the night. I hung around until 8.30pm and walked to the front of the park (a few other runners were hanging around the same area, but not the mass of runners I’d expected). As I got to the front of the park a security guard asked me to leave and I would be allowed back in to the park in a few minutes. Again there was a group of runners hanging around, but not many. I went and asked a security guard where I should be heading for, and found out the start was about a mile away the other side of the park. My heart sunk as I turned the corner and saw the masses of people - I had only met Rae and her gang once, no way would I find them in this mess.

As I walked through the crowds Raes son came up and grabbed me - cool J at least we could all run this thing together. After that we managed to find Kate (great to meet her as well) and Nathan Rose. By this time the humidity was lovely - around 80-85% sticky. Then we got the great news that they were going to delay the start time ( I think it kicked off around 10pm). But to add insult to injury Kate told me that Disney had stopped all transport buses because of the race so I’d have to find my own way home (error - the Disney park area is like Milton Keynes no way of walking anywhere). Raes E’s sister stepped up to the plate and said she’d give the old JB a lift home - THANKS :-D you saved my life.

Once the race got underway I settled into a ‘run at the speed of chat’ pace with Raes son and enjoyed the race should say run really. There wasn’t any Disney characters to see on route (why?) but as we entered the ‘World of sports complex’ (a big running track and sports place) they had all these people dressed up as mental inmates freaking out in the woods and the sides of the track. I couldn’t resist making a few of them jump as we ran by :-D

Before we knew it we were heading back into the MGM park and running around the final 2 miles inside the there which was cool. The finishing line was behind the TOT, they gave us our medals a brownie and drink.

We headed back up the park to watch for Rae and E to come in and shouted some encouragement. Then we all hooked up and I rode the TOT with E’s sister (who is a complete laugh). Then we headed home. Thanks again for the lift.

The girls were tucked up in bed, I sneaked in and washed the sweat stench off and found a few slices of pizza waiting on the table next to a cheeky glass of white wine (gotta love my wife) had that and went to bed about 2.30am.

The race bling is sweet :-).

PS went out for a weedy 2.5 miler this morning.


Blogger jogblog said...

You had a chocolate brownie? That is my favourite food ever ever ever. Even before pizza (honest!) But only proper American ones.

And you had pizza too.

And white wine.


Oh well done on the race and I'm pleased you had such a great time :)

9:42 PM  
Blogger warriorwoman said...

I feel just like that cat!
Maybe slightly less skinny.

9:54 PM  
Blogger [rich] said...

I know how you feel :-/ wished I could sleep - jet lagged.

I've not had a brownie before it was LUSH an OREO® Brownie Treat, yum yum. My stomach hates me know though because I have eaten wheat over the last week or so.

10:12 PM  
Blogger Rae! said...

That is a cute picture of your kitty.
The heat is awful here.Yep those gators are tricky have to keep an eye on them.
This weekend is nice and cool.It was crisp this morning. Next to no humidity.
Froggerjogger is still talking about the frog.{pop} hahahahahha
I couldn't eat the brownie, :( so E had it for me.

12:03 AM  
Blogger [rich] said...

LOL FroggerJogger - I'm going to post about that once I do a cheeky little sketch ;-)

2:20 AM  
Blogger londonjogger said...

hmm...looking out for hoodies is not so bad compared to alligators!

11:14 PM  
Blogger Runner Susan said...

someone please give that kitty a sweater.

8:48 PM  

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