Sunday, October 8

It’s all been a bit sketchy

This weeks training has been a little sketchy to say the least due to unforeseen circumstances. I’ve tried to fit the runs in as best I can - and so far the only one that I haven’t done is my long run (meant for today).

I did my tempo run yesterday (4 miles) in my new trainers - bit of a mistake I think. They felt really comfy giving me that new shoe softness. But I woke up this morning with foot pain. I was going to do my long run when I got back from the hospital this afternoon - but I’ve decided to put it off until tomorrow morning before work (then a cheeky lunch time run with Preston), hopefully allowing my feet time to stop hurting.

I’m going to do all my speed work and long runs in my old trainers until I have got the new chaps bedded in properly.

Hospital update
Still no progress really - apart from he is bored out of his head which must mean he is slowly coming around. Is it me or do chemo wards smell horrible! I know all hospitals smell funny but the chemo bit pongs, must be all the toxic drugs everyone is on.

Looking forward to the fun size persons bedtime tonight - we are going to start reading Peter Pan in Scarlet . I’ve read good reviews of it and even if it’s a bit pants half the money goes to Great Ormond Street Childs hospital (the original books rights was donated to them by J.M Barrie) - and it really is a great hospital.


Blogger jogblog said...

What's a tempo run? I can't get my head round all the lingo, far too confusing.

Hope your foot's ok tomorrow, your new trainers are probably too clean, once you dirty them up a bit, they'll give you no problems :-)

I don't remember chemo wards smelling funny but then again I didn't have a sense of smell 'til I stopped smoking. And sometimes I still think that a sense of smell if not necessarily a good thing :-)

When's your next race?

4:32 PM  
Blogger [rich] said...

I know what you mean, but thanks to your link to the main man HAL I now know :-) (ps did you get your book yet?).

A Tempo run = You jog for 10-15 mins then run at your race pace (in my case as fast as I can keep running for) for about 15-20mins then warm down by jogging for about 10-15 mins.

It's good fun, but not when your feet hurt.

How long did you smoke for? do you feel better for packing in... bet you got more cash to spend on the so called free hobbie of running ;-)

I was meant to be racing next weekend - but I think i'll miss out because of the hospital. But I'm my training plan says to do a 5k on Sunday so I'm going to plan a route out then see how fast I can do it.

I'm signed up for a 10k on NewYears eve (and a funrun with the family on the same day). I'm looking into doing a 1/2 in Nov as well.

Are you coming up for the 1/2 next year?... would be good to get group together to run it :-)

8:04 PM  
Blogger jogblog said...

I did get my new book, looks good although haven't looked through it properly yet. Still trying to keep to my 10k schedule. Failing miserably though :-(

I don't like the sound of tempo run, sounds too hard for my liking. I don't think I've reached the dizzy heights of running for 50 mins, even at my slow speed, let alone doing 20 of them faster.

I smoked for 25 years, spent my school lunch money on 10 JPS every day. Packing them in is the best thing I ever did (mostly for the freedom you get - not worrying about if you can smoke in the restaurant you're going to, airports, trains, etc.) but it's not easy! Even 9 months down the line, I still want to smoke although the desire not to smoke is stronger. I would like to stop being hungry all the time though. I didn't eat very much when I was smoking and now all I think about is food but my appetite increase could of course be partly due to the running and gym.

I only started running to burn off the excess energy I had when I stopped smoking and to take my mind off it but I'm so glad I started running as although I'm not very good at it (yet), I love the fact it's something you can progress at quickly and can give yourself challenges (further/faster, etc.) I'd never have run if I hadn't given up smoking.

I don't really have much more money as I used to smoke roll-ups and only spent about £10 a week. I thought running was free but when I think about what I've spent on my Garmin, clothes, trainers, books, etc... :-)

Shame you're missing out on next weekend's race but sounds like you've got a couple coming up that you can do. I was looking at London events coming up but there don't seem to be any :-(

Oh yes, I'm going to do the half up your way next year. I'm still struggling with 5k (oh sh*t, that 10k is coming up far too quickly!!) but it gives me almost a year to train, doesn't it? Eek!

8:33 PM  
Blogger [rich] said...

Well done on the not smoking - It must be hard! It would be great if you can come up - we will have to get a few people together to plod around. Preston says he is up for it, but only if his TV career hasn't taken off by then (he can't run with the little people) :-)

2:07 PM  

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