Wednesday, July 26

For once in your life won't you just listen to me!

That's what my ankles have been telling me the last few days. So instead of ignoring their advice I did indeed listen to them and had a 3-day break from plodding around the tarmac.

I have decided that my ankles don't really appreciate long runs every week, so I'm going to be sticking to 3-6-10-15K runs and save the longer ones for a splurge or race :-)

Got my butt out of bed and went for a cheeky 3K this morning - and bonus! It rained; I love running in the rain when it's hot!


Blogger jogblog said...

I liked running in the rain in the winter :-)

I wouldn't know what it's like to run in the heat :-(

12:02 PM  

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